1. Find the cause of burnout
2. Check minerals, vitamins, hormones (undergo a quality and complete medical examination)
3. Find the source of bad thoughts
4. Do grounding practices every day, even at rest, not just when you are already stressed
5. Track and adjust the flow of information
6. Track what fills you up and do it – find a way to restore the resource
7. Find support, a person to turn to
8. Take time to reboot and recharge your social battery. Plan and arrange a vacation with the family
9. Discuss your problems honestly with your partner and family
10. Try to take a sick leave from work and spend this time with maximum benefit, in a planned and resourceful way
12. Perform the practice “Flower of Well-Being” (instructions are available on this website)
13. Keep a gratitude diary
14. Clearly define what you can and cannot take on
15. Devote at least 15 minutes a day exclusively to yourself
16. Exercise 4 points: Close your eyes, put your ankles on your knees, feel the material with your ankles (bare skin of your legs, skirt, jeans, warmth/cold), concentrate on this feeling).
Put your feet on the stoop, press each toe separately to the floor/shoes, and feel every inch of the foot with your fingers.
Slide your back and touch the back of the chair, stretching upward with the top of your head.
Inhale deeply and exhale slowly – several times.
Concentrate on the sounds.